PHOTOS: Keegan Bradley, wife welcome newborn son

Keegan Bradley is now a father.

The 31-year-old Bradley and his wife, Jillian, welcomed their first child, son Logan James, last week. And to no one’s surprise, Bradley posted to Instagram a photo of baby Logan in Patriots gear.

Also, it appears Bradley is a fan of Wolverine, the superhero from the Marvel comics with the nickname Logan and birth name of James.

Who Is Keegan Bradley’s Wife?
Get to know a little more about the six-time PGA Tour winner’s wife, Jillian Stacey (now Bradley)

Keegan Bradley turned pro in 2008 and is undoubtedly best known for winning the 2011 PGA Championship in his first major start. He has recorded six wins on the PGA Tour to this point and achieved a career-best 10th in the world rankings all the way back in 2013.

The man who resides, as all the tour players seemingly do, in Jupiter, Florida overcame a stretch of poor form between 2018 and 2022 – falling as low as 150 early in 2021- to claim PGA Tour trophies number five and six in 2022 and 2023, respectively.

Now back to somewhere near his best and featuring in season two of Netflix’s Full Swing, Bradley is returning to one of the more notable figures in professional golf. But who is he married to? Find out below

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